Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you!
For general enquires call 07490 517576 during office hours or leave a message, or email us at hello@poplar.church
For enquires about hiring spaces at All Saints or Saint Nicholas please email bookings@poplar.church or follow the instructions below.
If you need to speak to a priest in an emergency please call Fr Matt on 07764 823266.
Find Us
All Saints
Newby Place
E14 0EY
Saint Nicholas
Aberfeldy Street
E14 0PT
Rev’d Phil Williams
Priest-in-Charge, Parish of Poplar
Rev’d Matt Wall
Team Vicar
Rev’d Calebmark Onyemaobi
Team Vicar
Rev’d Gareth Haddow
Rev’d Evonne Galloway
Philippa Downs
Licensed Lay Minister
Modupe Kenku
Licensed Lay Minister
Ima Makeipop
Church Warden
Georgina Depree
Church Warden
Katie Taylor
Head of Operations
Jonathan Pease
Director of Music and Liturgy,
All Saints
Laura Penney
Verger and Music co-ordinator, Saint Nicholas
Becky Allison
Children’s Ministry
Giving is a part of our worship.
We give back to God because he has first given so much to us! Regular giving is vital to our mission as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects to reach more people with the love of Jesus. There are lots of ways to give financially to the life of the church in Poplar.
Joining the Parish Giving Scheme is a great way to give: this form of giving means less administration for us and, if you are a taxpayer, we get the tax back on everything you donate. You can find out more about the scheme here.
Please consider signing up by calling 0333 002 1271. You’ll need the following details:
Parish Name: Parish of Poplar
PGS Code: 230623165
You can also make one-off donations using the following link:
Langley Hall
The Langley Hall at St Nick’s is our most popular space for external bookings. It is an excellent facility for community use and private hire. It is a perfect venue for Mendhi parties, wedding receptions, personal celebrations, meetings and community activities. The hall is 16m x 8.5m with a maximum capacity of 180 people standing or 120 seated.
Facilities include:
Tables: 14 large, 7 small
Chairs: 120
Kitchen: Six burner/double oven, microwave, small fridge
Serving hatch
Small raised stage
Disabled access throughout
Evening and weekend parking is available in our small car park and on local side streets.
Rates for hire are as follows:
Private and commercial hire: £50 p/h at any time
Community groups, charities and ‘not for profits’:
Monday to Friday: £30 for the first hour, £15 p/h thereafter
Saturday and Sunday before 6pm: £30 p/h
Saturday and Sunday after 6pm: £50 p/h
For more information or to make a booking, please email the St Nick’s Verger, Laura.
A deposit of £150 cash will be required for all bookings, and all bookings must end at 11pm.
All Saints Poplar
To discuss hire of the church, crypt or smaller rooms at All Saints, please email our Operations Manager, Katie.